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​President's Message

I am honored to be the President of my favorite nonprofit organization. The University Section Club provides two basic needs...the need to help others and the need to forge friendships.


With the successful Beehive fundraising event last spring, we will be able to provide over $46,000 of streamlined, emergency funds to 2024-25 Cal students who have suffered a financial setback, often when they are close to graduating.

The beauty of our club is that many people do a little bit so that we do not need to rely on paid staff or offices. Who we are and what we do is pure joy.


We welcome new members to join any or all of the 17 Sections. Hypothetically-magically speaking, over the span of two days, as a Section Club member, you can watch East Bay birds while hiking/walking with good friends and while singing Bach's Mass in B Minor. Afterwards, you can relax in a meditative Japanese tea setting before you attend a Bon Appetit dinner party where the guests are practicing speaking German, Italian or French with each other. Before going to sleep, you can finish reading a compelling book group novel. The next day, while watching a lauded Spanish film, you can sew a kaftan and then write a short play about life in the Section Club which could be performed later in the month by the Drama group. This is the joy of being a member... mental and physical stimulation as well as philanthropic satisfaction.


Thanks to our dear friend and recruiter, Terry Schooler, we have an exciting board of directors. You may all be frightened to know that I have only been involved since Fall 2018, and I am the most seasoned one of the core group, but fear not. This board has deep roots in leadership, community organizing, fundraising, accounting, and two were on the Cal faculty. The Elected Officers are: Linda Jones (President Elect), Andrea Campos (Past­ President), Maria Riasanovsky (Treasurer), Carolyn Passmore (Treasurer Elect), Betsy Hansen (Secretary), Joyce Ahern (Secretary Elect) and Monica Rohrer (Corresponding Secretary). We are standing on great shoulders and I am sure many of you will be kind enough to provide clarity and advice for us.


It's going to be a dynamic year. You will be able to sign up for the Sections at the FALL RECEPTION, Thursday, September 19 at the Brazilian Room in Tilden Park, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. I look forward to meeting all of you then.


Sherry Rufini

Elected Officers

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University Section Club, Inc.

Tang Center at UC Berkeley.

2222 Bancroft Way

Berkeley, CA 94720-3200

Federal Tax ID #:  94-6089206

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